The latest status of the Philippine stock market
The status of the Philippine stock market as of April recorded a 0.14 increase or 10.33 points, which is equivalent to 7, 163. 21 points. It is projected that in the year 2023, stock investors should expect growth. The Philippine stock market is also expected to trade at 6054.82 points by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analyst’s expectations.
When you are still new to investing, listed below are the four tips that beginners can take when planning to invest in the Philippine stock market.
Start small and grow through time
Starting from small has always been the beginning of the process that is projected to result in massive growth. When it comes to investments, it is better to start small than to risk everything at once. You cannot afford to lose everything you have in just a glimpse. That’s why you start small and grow in the long run.
Invest in mutual funds first
If you are still hesitant and undecided about whether to invest in stocks, it is best to invest in mutual funds first. Just like any other investment, it also makes a great fund with tolerable risk.
Experiment with giant companies
Giant companies will most likely give you something that is beyond what you expected. One of the companies that is known as a giant is Apple. This company is known across the globe. Many people invest in companies that are known worldwide and that have good performance in the market. The chance of getting a high bounce rate is possible.
Use your play money to trade
When you are already keen on investing for the long run and if you are all ready to take investment to another whole new level, knowing how you can play with your money is the top tier. In trading, there are certain rules that every trader needs to take into consideration, and one of them is to play the game wisely and legally.
The UTrade Stock Investment Program
The SIP program is a good way for new and long-term investors to start investing in the stock market. It can also be beneficial to those who have no time to watch the market daily or are not comfortable investing a large amount of money in just one go.